Pink Tourmaline, Black Onyx, and Pink Sapphire are among the best crystal combinations for diamonds. Pink Tourmaline serves the twofold purpose of grounding the energies of diamond and guiding the wearer to understand their worth as a person.
Black Onyx both grounds and protects the energy around diamond so it doesn’t end up amplifying negative energy. Finally, Pink Sapphire softens the effects of diamond and provides emotional fortitude.
Diamond can support Pink Sapphire’s capacity to provide emotional stability.
Diamonds score a 10 on the Mohs scale, which is the highest score. They are a very durable stone, often treasured by multiple generations, and hard to damage.
Its inner structure is among the most connected to Divine energy from the whole mineral world.
Energetically, they amplify whatever they come into contact with. This can backfire if they come into contact with negative energy.
Even though they have to be cleansed, they don’t need charging. They bring clarity and have long-standing associations with both eternal love and wealth.
15 Best Crystal Combinations for Diamond
1. Watermelon Tourmaline and Diamond
2. Black Onyx and Diamond
3. Orange Calcite and Diamond
4. Green Onyx and Diamond
5. Moss Agate and Diamond
6. Pink Tourmaline and Diamond
7. Bronzite and Diamond
8. Black Tourmaline and Diamond
9. Bixbite and Diamond
10. Emerald and Diamond
11. Charoite and Diamond
12. Sodalite and Diamond
13. Pink Sapphire and Diamond
14. Amethyst and Diamond
15. Opal and Diamond
1. Watermelon Tourmaline and Diamond Combination

Watermelon Tourmaline has the potential for great healing power.
As it contains both the healing green and the color that represents pure, Divine love, pink, it can help you heal whatever ails you from the inside out.
Diamond amplifies whatever it comes into contact with. Placing a gentle, healing crystal like Watermelon Tourmaline is a good idea to make use of the amplifying quality of diamonds.
Watermelon Tourmaline will, in turn, help regulate the potency of diamond so it doesn’t exhaust the wearer.
2. Black Onyx and Diamond Combination

Diamonds lack an element of grounding, as it works mostly on the upper chakras. Black Onyx will balance this out by integrating the lower chakras into the equation.
This allows you to take the spiritual clarity provided by diamonds and translate it into your material reality.
Black Onyx also has certain cleansing qualities that will diminish the risk of diamonds amplifying negative energy.
This black stone will also keep out any intrusive energies away from the wearer’s aura.
3. Orange Calcite and Diamond Combination

Orange Calcite is a deeply healing stone. Among other tasks, it can do away with creative blocks and heal wounds created during sexual intimacy.
It can also help the wearer deal with mental blocks around conceiving. Pairing it with a diamond will assure it does its work faster.
This pairing will also provide clarity regarding both the source of the creative block or some key repressed memories about the wound that has to do with sexual intimacy.
4. Green Onyx and Diamond Combination

Green Onyx grounds the heart. It places you in the present moment so you can become more mindful about your emotions and how you experience them.
It can help you put your emotions in order. As both a grounding and a healing stone, it’s a great pairing for diamonds.
Diamond will enhance its healing properties related to emotional coping mechanisms and mindfulness.
Green Onyx will cancel out some of diamond’s tendencies to amplify the negative.
5. Moss Agate and Diamond Combination

Moss Agate is a deeply healing stone. It drives its healing power from Mother Nature herself.
It can take care of the physical, emotional and mental bodies.
They are especially great when fighting off infections of all kinds. They should not, of course, replace medical attention.
However, when you pair a powerful disinfectant, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal stone with a powerful diamond, you are giving the wearer a boost to the immune system like no other.
Diamond adds spiritual healing to the properties of Moss Agate and makes its healing more potent. You’ll even see a faster recovery in some cases.
6. Pink Tourmaline and Diamond Combination

Pink Tourmaline offers both grounding and a very important lesson regarding giving and receiving. Pink Tourmaline drives you to understand your own value.
It’s great for people who give too much of themselves because they don’t feel deserving of receiving.
It will drive the wearer to understand that not only are they worthy of love and receiving good things.
They will also understand that it’s part of the cycle of life. One gives and then receives. Trying to interfere with this cycle will only create an imbalance.
The associations of diamonds with commitment and eternal love are enhanced by Pink Tourmaline, which makes the wearer magnetic to all sorts of loving people.
As all colors of Tourmaline are grounding, this also helps balance out the properties of diamond, which works mostly on the upper chakras and may need to come back to Earth.
7. Bronzite and Diamond Combination

Bronzite is a grounding stone that is also useful for banishing any intrusive energies.
The one risk with diamonds is that they will amplify whatever’s around them.
If an energy that doesn’t belong is present in a person or space, it’s better to play it safe and make sure the space or person stays pure.
If there is no risk of an intrusive energy entering your auric field, Bronzite will keep the wearer grounded and present.
8. Black Tourmaline and Diamond Combination

Black Tourmaline may be among the best pairings for diamonds. It removes any excess energy present in the environment and absorbs any negativity.
It is also grounding and has protective qualities. This means that it will keep the diamond away from any negative energies in the first place.
As Black Tourmaline can break if it’s exposed to too much negative energy, remember to cleanse the pairing regularly.
9. Bixbite and Diamond Combination

Bixbite brings order to the emotional body. When this is amplified by diamond, emotional stability is granted.
Because it’s red in color, it also works on the Root Chakra, helping to translate the clarity of diamonds into concrete things.
This is a master pairing for any sort of manifestation. It can also help treat diseases that have to do with the blood, though it doesn’t replace medical assistance.
10. Emerald and Diamond Combination

Diamond will expand the loving, gentle nature of Emerald. Emerald also has healing properties that it drives from nature itself.
These will also be expanded by diamond. What’s more, emerald is an excellent source of support for spiritual awakenings.
Diamonds are so powerful and bring so much clarity that they can act as a catalyst for one of these.
While spiritual awakenings look and feel great once they are over, you will need as much support as you can get during the process.
11. Charoite and Diamond Combination

Charoite helps you get aligned with your soul’s purpose, wherever it may be neglected – in the professional or emotional plane.
Once diamond is brought to the mix, a powerful healing energy that resembles the purest embodiment of The Chariot Tarot card comes into play.
Because Charoite is purple in color, it keeps your Third Eye and Crown Chakra balanced.
This pairing can help the skeptical wearers out there start to get attuned to the language of intuition.
12. Sodalite and Diamond Combination

Sodalite is great for overthinkers and anxiety patients. Diamond will amplify its soothing nature.
Sodalite will also push you not to over-exert your voice, which the vitality and energy diamond provides may push you to do.
They balance out each other in this way.
13. Pink Sapphire and Diamond Combination

Pink Sapphire is all about fortifying the emotional body and providing a solid structure to deal with the most painful (and everyday) emotions in a healthy manner.
It builds a bridge between the body and the emotions, so it’s an especially effective stone for people who end up translating their emotions into physical symptoms.
Diamond will enhance all of these positive qualities.
Pink Sapphire, on the other hand, will soften the effects of diamond if it ever does amplify negative energy.
14. Amethyst and Diamond Combination

Amethyst can transform the energy of diamond if it starts to replicate the negative energies around it.
Diamond will, in turn, make the effects of Amethyst stronger, making its transmutations faster and more effective.
This combination brings a lot of clarity as to the workings of the Universe behind your life.
As diamond will also amplify Amethyst’s capacity to treat headaches and migraines, this is the best combination for someone who suffers from these conditions.
15. Opal and Diamond Combination

As Opal helps you reconnect to the Element of Water, which has to do with emotions and intuition.
And Diamonds will amplify this quality of Opal, this is great for people who tend to suppress or rationalize their emotions.
It’s also great for people who are disconnected from their intuition.
It’s not recommended for people who are already overly sensitive, as this pairing will only enhance that.
It can be great for people who have little to no water on their birth chart, too.
Opal will, in turn, make the effects of diamond feel a bit more liquid and less harsh.
How to use crystal combinations for Diamond

Include them in an engagement ring
Diamonds on their own are a bit intense for a ring that’s supposed to be worn at all times. Sometimes, you just need to relax.
Sometimes, you need to not be wearing a powerful amplifier when you are in a low vibrational state.
If your significant other still wants a diamond engagement ring, you can always pair it with a gentler crystal.
Of course, Sodalite does not have the same durability as diamonds (or even close), so pairing them in a piece of jewelry that’s supposed to last years isn’t the best idea.
But pairing a diamond with Bixbite, Black Onyx, or Pink Sapphire is genius. You may also pair it with colored Tourmaline.
This pairing is the most appropriate one to wear 24/7.
However, your Significant Other should be instructed to purify the ring by burning cleansing herbs or burying the ring in a bowl full of raw rice overnight.
This is so because Tourmaline absorbs negative energy constantly, and will crack if it’s not released of everything it absorbs.
Make jewelry out of them

Diamonds are pricey, and most of you will want to make a jewel out of them. Even if it’s not for an engagement ring.
I don’t recommend gold, as it will only make a potent crystal even more powerful.
If you absolutely must, you can have it made in Rose Gold, which has a grounding quality that regular gold doesn’t have.
Otherwise, gentle sterling silver is more appropriate. Do some research as to how your chosen pairing will fare as part of a jewel.
When you’re not wearing the piece, wrap it up in silk and keep it in a cool, dry place so both the jewel is physically well-kept and other energies in the storage place don’t interfere with the diamond.
Also, remember that diamonds give you tons of energy. Remember to take the jewelry piece off a couple of hours before your bedtime.
An advantage of this jewel is that it doesn’t need recharging. Diamond will keep its pairing strong and powerful.
Say affirmations while holding them
As diamonds will amplify whatever is around them, saying out loud carefully worded affirmations can be a great idea to believe in them and make them a part of your reality faster.
If you pair the affirmation with a diamond pairing that corresponds to the message (Pink Tourmaline and Diamond for self-love, for example), it will be even more effective.
Hold or keep them close during morning routines

As diamonds are energizing, exposing yourself to this combination first thing in the morning can be effective.
This is especially the case if you forego screens and other distractions as you go through your morning routine and try to remain mindful of your habits and stay present in the moment.
This way to interact with your chosen pairing can be especially effective if you expose yourself to sunlight, journal, and/or read an insightful book during your morning routine.
Keep them close to you while you make art
There is nothing better when it comes to an artist’s life than expanding your creative energy.
Keeping diamond and a chosen pairing close to you can drive you to make art that’s healing and insightful.
This is especially powerful for Bixbite and Diamond, Orange Calcite and Diamond, and Emerald and Diamond.
The Sodalite and Diamond combination is great for artists who overexert themselves.
They will be more productive in less hours if they choose to use this pairing.
Final Thoughts
Diamond is an undoubtedly powerful stone. It’s important to keep it grounded and away from negative energies, as it will amplify them.
Grounding stones such as different colors of Tourmaline and Black Onyx fulfill this purpose.
You can also pair diamonds with healing stones such as Bixbite or Sodalite to see healing much sooner.