7 Best Crystals for Full Moon in Sagittarius

Authority Jewelry

Crystals for Full Moon in Sagittarius

Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite, Aventurine, Smoky Quartz, Garnet, Azurite, and Amethyst are among the best crystals for Full Moon in Sagittarius. These crystals possess unique energies that help create positive change and growth in our lives.

A full moon occurs when the sun illuminates the moon completely so that it appears perfectly round for all to see.

In a spiritual and emotional sense, the full moon represents the end of the lunar cycle.

For most women, the lunar cycles govern their menstrual cycles, so it is useful to know when the different phases of the moon are going to occur.

The full moons also occur in various aspects of the zodiac and have different, rather romantic names.

For example, in 2023, the full moon in Cancer appeared on 6th January and was known as the Wolf Moon.

Also, The full moon in Sagittarius in 2023 appeared on June 3rd and was known as the Strawberry or Rose Moon.

So, what can we expect from the full moon in Sagittarius and which crystals should we choose to support us at this time?

1.    Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli Meaning

The moon in Sagittarius is all about taking charge of life and realizing your ambitions.

The energy will be high at this time, and you will find that achieving your goals is easier and things go smoothly when the moon rules in Sagittarius.

Lapis Lazuli reveals the inner truth and encourages self-awareness.

It promotes clear thinking and brings in vibrations of positivity to clear and cleanse your aura of stagnant or blocked energies.

Lapis Lazuli resonates with the Throat chakra, so if there are people to whom you need to say something that you have been putting off, now is the time to do it.

Wear a pendant or necklace of Lapis Lazuli to activate your Throat chakra so that your communication is clear, and your feelings are expressed in a way that brings the highest good to all concerned.

2.    Labradorite

Labradorite Crystal

The moon in Sagittarius brings the energy needed to make new beginnings.

Labradorite is a wonderful stone for removing psychic debris.

Labradorite has a mystical and highly protective vibration and is known as a bringer of light.

It can help you to uncover truths and find answers to questions that have hitherto eluded you.

It promotes self-awareness and dispels negative energies that have been left behind in your energy field from previous disappointments.

If you are thinking of taking your spiritual and personal development to the next level this crystal will help to bring messages from your unconscious mind to the surface, bringing renewed understanding of those aspects of your spiritual growth that you need to work on.

Meditate with Labradorite to facilitate connections with your guides, mentors, and the angelic realms.

Place a piece of Labradorite under your pillow to promote lucid dreaming and help you to decipher the meaning of your dreams.

3.    Aventurine

Green Aventurine Meaning

Aventurine has a strong connection to the Devic Kingdom and benefits all who take care of the land and the natural world.

Use it to grid your garden to encourage plants to grow strong and healthy and to ward off pests and diseases.

On a psychological level, Green Aventurine promotes leadership qualities and decisiveness.

At this time of high energy, it is important to take care of your own health and ensure that you do not take on more than you can handle.

Aventurine promotes self-compassion and understanding and aids in bringing together the emotional and intellectual bodies.

Green Aventurine brings things back into control and should be placed on any area of the physical body where there is pain or discomfort.

On an emotional level, this crystal protects the heart and calms anger or irritation.

4.    Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz Crystal

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of growth, expansion, good fortune, and prosperity.

When the moon is in Sagittarius these qualities are highlighted, making this a suitable time to begin new ventures or to bring long-held dreams to fruition.

Smoky Quartz is a pragmatic, positive stone that helps you to remain firmly grounded in reality as you pursue your hopes and dreams.

Place it near or on your Base chakra to anchor your energies into the Earth and dispel anxieties, fears, or worries about the future.

Wear Smoky Quartz gemstone jewelry to facilitate living in the present moment.

5.    Garnet

Garnet Crystal Meaning

Garnet cleanses and reenergizes the chakras and fortifies your survival instinct.

It balances the sex drive and promotes relationship harmony.

Garnet is a useful stone to help you through a crisis.

The moon in Sagittarius brings powerful, dynamic energies into play which can be harnessed to help you to deal with tricky relationships or challenging work situations.

Wear Garnet gemstone jewelry to open your heart and dissolve old or ingrained behavior patterns that are contributing to any conflict you may be experiencing at this time.

6.    Azurite

Azurite Meaning

Azurite is aligned with the vibrations of the Throat chakra and is especially helpful for anyone who has difficulty expressing their true feelings.

The full moon brings emotions to the surface and encourages the free expression of personal truths.

Wear an Azurite ring or bracelet on your right hand to clear away stress, worry grief, or sadness and to bring more light into your emotions.

Azurite is a powerful healing stone that uncovers the physical root cause of many emotional or mental disorders.

It clears negative vibrations from the energy body and gently dissolves blocked energy in the meridians.

Place a piece of Azurite on your Third Eye to facilitate a deeper understanding of your soul’s purpose on this Earth.

7.    Amethyst

Amethyst Crystal Meaning

To take full advantage of the energies of the full moon in Sagittarius keep an Amethyst cluster or geode in a prominent position in your home or workplace.

This is a time of good fortune and prosperity for those who are willing to take action.

Amethyst supports the physical body by boosting the immune system and tuning the endocrine and hormonal systems for optimum health.

It clears confusion from the mind, protects against electromagnetic smog, and raises consciousness.

Amethyst opens a new reality.

Place a piece of Amethyst on your Third Eye to facilitate a connection with spiritual guides and teachers.

Wear it over your Heart Chakra to bring compassion, love, and understanding to all that you do.

Final Thoughts: Crystals for Full Moon in Sagittarius

Crystals for Full Moon in Sagittarius

The crystals listed above are ideal for use during the full moon in Sagittarius in June.

Use them in healing grids or mandalas to help you with manifesting your positive intentions.

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