What is Emerald?
Emerald is the best-known stone of the group of minerals called Beryl. Emerald has a rich, distinct green color and is quite rare, making it one of the most precious stones, along with Diamond and Sapphire. Emerald measures 7.5 -8 on the Mohs scale, making it one of the hardest gemstones.
Despite its hardness, care should be taken with jewelry as it can be chipped with rough usage.
Emerald, Sapphire, and Ruby form the “big three” of colored gemstones.
Emerald has a hexagonal crystal structure and is translucent to transparent.
Trace amounts of chromium or vanadium are responsible for the green coloration of emeralds as pure Beryl is clear and colorless.
Emerald is found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
The Origin: Where Is Emerald Found?
Emerald is found in India, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Brazil, Egypt, and Austria.
The History & Lore of Emerald

The beautiful green hues of Emerald, which range from a fresh Spring green to a deeper Forest green have captivated humans for centuries.
Being the color of nature, green is soothing to both the eye and the spirit.
Surrounding yourself with green décor can help to alleviate stress, and the sparkling appearance of a cut and polished emerald stone brings a welcome lift to even the most jaded of spirits.
Its name comes from the ancient Greek word for green: smaragdus.
Pliny the Elder, a Roman writer, and philosopher described the use of Emeralds by early lapidaries as a method of restoring the eyes and removing feelings of weariness and lassitude.
Emerald is the green gem most closely associated with the natural world and spirituality.
Ireland is known as the “emerald isle” and Seattle, in the Us state of Washington is called the emerald city”.
In Thailand, the religious icon of the emerald buddha is revered as the most sacred, even though it is, in fact, carved from green Jadeite.
Cleopatra, the Ancient Egyptian Queen renowned for her beauty, was known to have a passion for Emeralds and used them extensively in her royal adornments and artifacts.
In fact, the first known Emerald mines were located in Egypt and date back to 330 BCE.
When sixteenth-century Spanish explorers first invaded the New World, emeralds formed a significant part of their plunder.
The Incas had been using Emeralds in their religious ceremonies for over 500 years and the Spanish “conquistadors” happily traded Emeralds for precious metals such as gold and silver, as they prized these more highly than gemstones.
Emerald is the best-known member of the Beryl family of crystals and features in many myths and legends throughout history.
Legend has it that Emerald endows the wearer with the ability to see into the future, and, when placed under the tongue, bestows the gift of clairvoyance and prophesy.
Emerald was said to protect the wearer against evil spirits and to cure cholera and malaria during the Middle Ages.
It was also believed to bestow the gift of eloquence as well as to reveal the truth or falsehood of a lover’s oaths by changing color to warn of infidelity.
Description of Emerald

Emerald is always green. If you see a crystal advertised as “yellow emerald” this is a misnomer, and usually means you are looking at a variety of yellow Beryl.
Emerald is usually found in cut and polished form, although you may be able to get raw emeralds if you look hard enough.
Emerald is a corundum and shares the same characteristics as Ruby and Sapphire.
How to Identify Emerald
Synthetic Emeralds are common and have been in circulation since 1848.
They bear a striking resemblance to the authentic article so watch out for stones described with these names:
Biron Emerald
Chatham Emerald
Gilson Emerald
Kimberly Emerald
Regency Emerald.
None of these is a naturally occurring true Emerald.
Green glass is also a major Emerald simulator as the color of green glass can be identical to the color of true Emerald.
However, it is fairly easy to spot a green glass impostor because it will not show any evidence of the flaws, fissures, and inclusions that are apparent in a true stone.
Some fraudulent names given to green glass jewelry include; Brighton Emerald, Endura emerald, Ferrer’s Emerald, Medina emerald, and Spanish Emerald.
Peridot may sometimes be sold as Evening Emerald or Night Emerald, Green Fluorite as African Emerald or Bohemian Emerald, dyed chalcedony as Emeraldine, and Green tourmaline as Emeraldite
Types of Emerald
Confusingly, Brazilian Emerald is sometimes used as the name for genuine Emeralds from Brazil as well as for Green Tourmaline from Brazil.
Cat’s Eye Emerald is extremely rare and exhibits a cat’s eye effect.
It is only found on paler specimens. Colombian Emerald comes from Colombia and is considered to be the highest quality Emerald.
The trapiche or Star emerald is also rare and is distinguished by black impurities in the form of a six-rayed star.
Emerald Birthstone Meaning & History

Emerald is the birthstone for the month of May, which seems fitting given its fresh, vibrant spring green color.
If you are lucky enough to have been at the beginning of the natural year, and/or your zodiac sign is Taurus or Gemini, this beautiful green crystal is your birthstone.
And you can expect gifts of precious Emerald jewelry (as long as you drop enough hints!)
Taurus (April 20 to May 20) is represented by the Bull in the zodiac and is an Earth sign, meaning that it is fixed.
Most Taurus people are dependable, intelligent, dedicated, and hard-working. They can also be stubborn, critical of others, and averse to taking risks.
As an Earth sign that is ruled by Venus Taureans love a bit of luxury and coziness.
They revel in the pleasures to be had by indulging their senses and certainly know how to relax and have a good time.
Emeralds make a lovely gift for those born under this sign as they appreciate the value of this precious stone and are open to its vibration of patience, wisdom, and loyalty.
They are home loving people, and the emerald quality of unity, partnership, and equilibrium is ideally suited to the Taurean temperament.
Gemini (May22 to June 21) is represented by the twins and is one of the most sociable signs of the zodiac.
Geminis love to look at all aspects of a situation and are quite capable of holding two different viewpoints at the same time.
They can be talkative or taciturn, outgoing or introverted, and do not have one overriding characteristic as some of the other signs do.
Geminis are generous and forgiving, and they will show their appreciation for an emerald birthstone gift with effusive thanks and expressions of gratitude.
However, as with all the signs, Geminis do have some negative character traits, such as impulsiveness and indecisiveness.
They can also be overly analytical and may sometimes be downright nosy, intruding into other’s business and lives without invitation.
Emerald can benefit Gemini through its ability to bring balance and clarity to a situation.
It can help to curb impulsive or rash actions and teaches the virtue of patience and respect for the autonomy of others.
Emerald Treatment

How to Clean and Care for Emerald
Most Emeralds contain natural fractures or fissures, so, although they measure 7.5-8 on the Mohs scale, they do need to be handled with more care than a Diamond, which measures 10.
Natural oils fill these fissures in some specimens, so steam cleaning or the use of harsh detergents should be avoided.
The best way to remove surface dust and debris from Emerald is to use a warm soapy cloth and rinse well in running water.
Do not leave emeralds soaking in soapy water as this can weaken their structure.
Emerald is an excellent crystal for us in manifesting wealth, success, and abundance.
To charge or program your emerald to help you manifest your desires, make sure that it is physically clean and then leave it overnight in moonlight,
You can also pass the stone through the smoke of a white sage stick several times.
Repeat your intention to program the stone several times, using positive language and remembering to express gratitude for the abundance you have received.
Buyers Guide: Tips & Advice
As mentioned above, synthetic emeralds abound in the market, so you will want to bear a few things in mind before you begin shopping for them.
A combination of 4 factors defines the quality of Emeralds.
Emerald Quality Factors
The darker the green color of the stone the higher the quality, and consequently the higher the price.
A deep green or blue-green color is the most desirable.
The presence or absence of trace elements of chromium, vanadium, and iron determines the hue of the stone.
The shade and brightness of the color also have an impact on quality. It is not an emerald if it has a yellowish tinge or is excessively blue.
The tone of the crystal refers to its level of brightness, and natural emeralds of excellent grade lie between extremely pale and very dark.
But do not be fooled into thinking that the deeper the tone the better the Emerald.
A medium-toned emerald can be an excellent choice for purchasing, depending on the color saturation.
Brightness is always better than dullness.
Unlike Diamonds, which decrease in value due to the presence of inclusions, all emeralds have inclusions, flaws, and fissures.
If they are perfect, they are most likely to be colored glass.
Liquids, gases, and minerals such as chromium, vanadium, and iron cause differences in the stone’s appearance.
When an inclusion reduces the crystal’s transparency and clarity the quality, and the price, will be lowered.
Look for inclusion shaped like branches and roots. Bubbles and large spots may well signal that the Emerald is a fake.
A good specimen of Emerald should be cut symmetrically to allow the optimum amount of light to travel through the stone.
If it is cut too deeply, the light will escape and the stone will appear dark, even black.
If the cut is too shallow, the crystal will lack brightness.
The most common cut for an emerald is a square or rectangular shape that emphasizes the shape of the rough original but allows the maximum amount of light to enter.
Carat Weight:
Each Carat equates to 0.02 grams in weight. Famous Emeralds, such as those found in Royal jewels and museums, weigh hundreds of carats.
Most emeralds used in jewelry are between 0.25 and 1,5 carts.
If all other factors are equal, an emerald with a higher carat weight will be more expensive than one with a lower carat weight.
Emerald and Chakras

Emerald is an excellent crystal for use on the Heart chakra.
The colors green and pink are traditionally associated with this chakra, and the sparkling, fresh spring green color of most polished Emeralds brings vitality and rejuvenation to the Heart.
Rose Quartz is also an excellent stone for Heart chakra work and there is no reason you cannot use both crystals together if you want to clear, cleanse, and support your Heart chakra.
In Sanskrit, the Heart chakra is referred to as “Anahata” which means “unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten”.
When your Heart chakra is balanced and healthy you will find it easy to relate to others, show empathy and compassion, and also give yourself the love you deserve.
The Heart chakra is quite sensitive and can become blocked, frozen, or closed down whenever we experience feelings of betrayal, hurt or lack of trust.
The Heart chakra is associated with unconditional love, compassion, understanding, and joy.
It forms the bridge, in the center of the physical body, between the upper and lower chakras.
The Heart chakras nourishes and are in turn nourished by the upper and lower chakras.
And when the energy is flowing freely the entire chakra system works smoothly in harmony with the mental, physical, and spiritual bodies.
Use emerald to fortify, support, and invigorate the Heart chakra by placing a piece of the crystal on your chest.
You may be fortunate enough to own an Emerald pendant, in which case the stone’s loving vibrations can support your Heart chakra throughout the day.
You can also use Emerald in meditation and place the crystal over your Heart when lying down in relaxed meditation.
As you relax, take the time to consider all the things in life that you are grateful for.
Send grateful thoughts out into the cosmos as you do this, and breathe in the supportive, positive energies of the Emerald crystal as your gratitude is returned to you.
Perform a mental inventory of the things you love about yourself, making sure that you keep these thoughts positive.
“I am kind” holds far more power than “I try to be kind”. Avoid negative phrases and do not dwell on painful or upsetting thoughts about yourself.
Finally, take a deep cleansing breath, all the way in, and hold it for a count of 16.
Exhale, letting the breath go naturally, and sit up slowly.
There is no need to close down your Heart chakra as you want to keep it open so that you can give and receive love in equal measure.
Emerald Healing Properties

Emerald ensures physical, emotional, and mental equilibrium.
In terms of energetic healing, Emerald works on the green healing Ray of Archangel Raphael, eliminating negativity within the aura and bringing in positive, life-affirming actions.
Physical Healing Properties
Emerald is said to promote rapid healing and recovery from infectious diseases and long-term debilitating illnesses.
It treats the spine, lungs, heart, sinuses, and muscles. It is believed to be beneficial for the eyes and to improve vision.
Emerald has a detoxifying effect on the liver and supports the body’s organs of elimination, including the kidneys and skin.
Mental & Emotional Healing Properties
Emerald is a stone of great integrity, with life-affirming properties that can bring comfort during times of mental or emotional upheaval.
It imparts mental clarity, strengthens memory, and encourages deep levels of self-awareness.
Emerald is known as a “wisdom stone” and aids us in seeing beyond illusions to the truth of situations, and of our own feelings.
It promotes discernment and aids in eloquent expression.
Emerald is also a stone of harmony and can be used to bring cooperation and mutual respect to groups of people, dispersing areas of conflict and encouraging individuals to find common ground.
Psychologically, Emerald brings strength and courage during times of difficulty and misfortune in life.
It promotes a renewed feeling of joy in life and helps us to gain pleasure and comfort from the little things when we have lost sight of them by focusing on the “bigger picture”.
It promotes feelings of security and self-worth and helps us to trust our intuition and inner guidance.
Emerald helps to increase mental and emotional integrity and imparts the courage needed to speak up and speak out against injustice, and to express eloquently our opinions, needs, and beliefs.
Metaphysical Properties

Emeralds and Magic
Emerald’s ability to cure the sick is well documented, as are its talismanic virtues.
Less familiar is emerald’s long association with alchemy, the occult, and magic.
For many centuries, a number of authorities promoted emerald’s ability to help magicians see visions.
When placed under the tongue, it was also said to help predict the future.
As the stone of truth, emerald was thought to protect against unwanted spells or enchantment.
So magicians used them to shield themselves from both malevolent spirits and the conjurations of others.
Emeralds and New Age Metaphysics
Emerald is a life-affirming stone. It opens the heart chakra and calms the emotions.
It provides inspiration, balance, wisdom, and patience.
It is said to promote friendship, peace, harmony, and domestic bliss by enabling the wearer to both give and receive unconditional love.
Because it promotes honesty and loyalty, it is also beneficial for business transactions and all types of partnerships.
Emerald fortifies the spirit and helps to overcome misfortune. It brings a sense of joy, recovery, and rejuvenation to the downtrodden.
It cures claustrophobia and rage as it inspires a sense of well-being. It brings subconscious thought to the forefront and promotes self-awareness.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Spiritually, Emerald connects us to the Angelic Realm, and to Archangel Raphael in particular.
It can be placed on the brow and the throat during meditation to clear a channel between this world and the outer worlds of cosmic or Divine wisdom.
It helps to reaffirm our faith when we are wavering and gives us the courage to speak out about our fundamental beliefs without fear of judgment or criticism.
How to Use Emerald

As Jewelry
Wearing Emerald jewelry is the best way to access its powers and healing vibrations throughout the day.
However, emeralds should not be worn constantly as they can trigger negative emotions.
In-Home and Office
Emeralds can be placed in the wealth corner of your home or office to draw an abundance of money and success into your space.
It can be placed next to your electronic devices to protect you from harmful electromagnetic emanations.
Best Crystal and Gemstone Combinations with Emerald
Emerald can be combined with Rose Quartz to open, activate and support the Heart chakra.
It works well with both Diamond and Clear Quartz to promote healing on a deep level and to form a protective barrier against negative energies and influences in the etheric body.
Emerald can be used in conjunction with blue stones to benefit your physical throat, and your Throat chakra, soothing soreness and irritation and encourages verbal eloquence.
Final Thoughts & Conclusion
Emeralds are beautiful gems and should be treated with care if you are lucky enough to own one.
Emerald is a wonderful stone to use on your Heart chakra and can help to bring harmony and love to all your personal relationships.
Carrying or wearing Emerald allows you to access its protective and supportive qualities during the day.
But it is best to remove all Emerald jewelry at night and to avoid wearing it constantly.
It helps to activate latent psychic abilities and to promote ease of communication and eloquent expression.
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