What is Moonstone?
Moonstone is a variety of orthoclase, measures between 6 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale and occurs in shades of white, pale yellow, blue, and green. Its most distinctive characteristic is the way it behaves in light.
Moonstone often exhibits a blue-to-white adularescence, meaning that it seems to emit a soft, billowy glow reminiscent of moonlight.
Moonstone is often confused with Opalite or Labradorite, but in fact, it is stone in its own right and has many unique metaphysical properties.
The Origin: Where Is Moonstone Found?
Moonstone is not rare and can be found all over the world.
The best specimens, those with blue, white, or clear adularescence, came originally from Myanmar, although it now seems to have been mined out in that region.
The History & Lore of Moonstone

It will come as no surprise to learn that Moonstone has collected a very large body of myth, legend, and folklore over the years.
Because of its resemblance to moonlight, this stone is associated with the feminine in almost every culture and tradition.
It has a strong affinity with the moon, tides, and natural cycles, including the menstrual cycle.
Consequently, Moonstone was and still is, prized for its qualities of support for women of childbearing age.
It is also the stone for intuition and the Divine Feminine.
Romans and Greeks
Moonstone was used in jewelry by the Romans for over 2000 years.
They associated the stone with the goddess Diana the huntress and Moon goddess.
The Romans and Ancient Greeks believed that Moonstone brought love, wealth, and success to the wearer.
To the Ancient Greeks, Moonstone was known as Aphrosolene, which is the result of merging the names of the goddess of love (Aphrodite) with the goddess of the moon (Selene).
Moonstone was believed to act as an aphrodisiac, and when two people wear the stone they will fall passionately in love when the moon is full.
It was known as the “traveler’s stone” in the ancient world and was believed to offer protection to those who travel by night, especially at sea.
Moonstone has always been the sacred stone of India, and, according to Asian Myth, the most beautiful blue Moonstones are only brought by the tides every 21 years.
People wore the stone as a talisman for good luck and as a cure for insomnia.
It was also hung in trees to encourage an abundant crop of fruit.
Ancient civilizations in Asia believed that the moving light inside a Moonstone, which we now term adularescence, was a living spirit than conferred protection and good luck on the bearer.
It was regarded as a romantic stone for couples and formed part of most bridal ceremonies and adornments.
Moonstone is still given as a thirteenth anniversary present as it is claimed that the powers of Moonstone can wash away the negative connotations of the number thirteen.
Legend has it that Moonstone was embedded in the forehead of Ganesh, the four-handed Hindu god of the moon since the beginning of time.
Another Vedic myth talks about the battle between Vishnu and the demon god Bali.
When Vishnu conquered Bali and broke his body into pieces, the parts that fell to Earth all transformed into different jewels.
The sparkle in his eyes turned into Chandrakanta, or what we now know as Moonstone.
According to myths from Ancient Asia, and the metaphysical lore of crystals today, Moonstone can bestow the gift of prophecy.
It is believed to activate latent powers of clairvoyance and bring ancient wisdom to the fore.
There are strong associations between Moonstone and dreaming and sleeping.
It is said to encourage lucid dreams, cure insomnia and confer serene and beautiful dreams at night.
Description of Moonstone

Moonstone is a variety of orthoclase with a monoclinic structure.
Orthoclase is a mineral belonging to the type feldspar and is found in igneous rocks such as granite as a result of the crystallization of magma.
Moonstone occurs widely throughout the globe and is mostly blue or white in color, although it can also be found in shades of pink, cream, and pale yellow.
How to Identify Moonstone
Moonstones are relatively inexpensive, but that does not stop people from selling fakes.
The most prominent characteristic of Moonstone is its adularescence or the way it emits a milky, pearlescent glow, very much like the soft light of the moon on a clear night.
To test this attribute of the gem, place it under a bright light and study its surface.
If you can see multiple hues your stone may well be a fake. If you see white and blue tones it is probably a genuine Moonstone.
Another way to tell if your Moonstone is fake is to hold it in your hand for a few minutes.
Moonstone is a poor conductor of heat, so your gem should remain cool to the touch.
Examine the gem for internal bubbles. You may need to use a microscope or jeweler’s scope for this.
Many fake stones are made from glass, and glass produces perfectly round bubbles when heat treated to produce the fake gemstone.
If there are inclusions in your Moonstone, they should be irregular in shape or resemble a centipede.
Types of Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone
The most desirable form of Moonstone is Rainbow Moonstone, which is a combination of Moonstone and Labradorite.
This type of crystal usually exhibits the characteristic iridescence of Labradorite along with the milky moonshine qualities associated with Moonstone.
This variety is the highest quality Moonstone available. This form of the crystal acts as a prism, diffusing positive energy throughout the aura.
It offers psychic protection, aids lucid dreaming and calm sleep, and helps us to connect with the spirits of nature and the Devic Kingdom.
Colorless Moonstone
This type of crystal is almost completely colorless although it may have a faint blue sheen.
True White Moonstone
This variety of Moonstone has a charm of its own, and appears almost opaque, with a milky-white sheen and denser appearance than other types of Moonstones.
It is the number of inclusions in this stone that give it its more uniform white color.
You will also find specimens of Moonstone in different colors from honey gold to peach.
You may also see peppered Moonstones, which are usually milky-white with tiny spots of red or brown on the surface.
White Moonstone is said to carry the full power of the Moon and to stimulate psychic perception.
It can magnify emotions and activate Kundalini energy, especially in women.
Blue, or Cat’s Eye Moonstone
Promotes clarity of mind. Blue Moonstone is prized for its qualities of insight and emotional support.
It helps balance Yin and Yang energies in the energy body.
Gray Moonstone
This variety of Moonstone carries a mystical vibration and is believed to help one to see “beyond the veil”.
It is often referred to as the “New Moon Stone” and supports new ventures and new beginnings.
Peach or Yellow Moonstone
This crystal has a gentler vibration than other forms of Moonstone and is good for soothing the mind and emotions.
It supports the Heart, promotes Divine service, and brings out the best in people.
Moonstone Birthstone Meaning & History

Although Moonstone is a fairly delicate gemstone it is very popular in jewelry as a birthstone for the month of June.
It is the official birthstone of Cancer (June 22 to July 22) in the zodiac.
A gift of Moonstone jewelry is ideal for any Cancerian in your life because of its loving, nurturing vibration and supportive energies.
Most Cancer people are sensitive souls who often shy away from the limelight and find the most comfort in their home surroundings.
However, Cancer is also a fun-loving sign, with a temperament suited to the longer, sunny days flowing the Summer Solstice.
It is a water sign, and therefore mutable, so most Cancerians are happy to go with the flow and are slow to take offense.
They revel in family celebrations and can lift the spirits of an entire group of friends with their quirky sense of humor.
Cancer is symbolized by the crab and is ruled by the Moon, hence the assigning of Moonstone to this zodiac sign.
Moonstone is an ideal support stone for those Cancerians who need to feel safety and security on an emotional level.
It also enhances the natural tendency of this sign to seek and find pleasure in the natural world and in the senses.
Cancer people often find joy in the simple things in life and will almost certainly be pleased with a gift of Moonstone.
Moonstone Treatment

How to Clean and Care for Moonstone
Moonstone should be treated with care when cleaning.
It is a fairly delicate stone but can make a wonderful piece of jewelry when treated with a little love and attention.
To remove surface dust and debris from Moonstone you can simply swish it through some warm, soapy water.
If the setting also needs cleaning a soft-bristled brush will not harm the stone. Rinse well and dry on a soft cloth.
To recharge your Moonstone one of the best ways is to leave it overnight in the light of the full moon.
The gem will be returned to its original vibrational state when you do this.
If you wish to, you can also pass the stone through the cleansing smoke of white sage to remove any negative energies your Moonstone may have absorbed.
Buyers Guide: Tips & Advice
When looking at buying Moonstone, three key factors come into play: body color, which is the “background” hue of the stone, the color of the sheen, and orientation of the sheen or adularescence.
Moonstones range in appearance from semitransparent to opaque and colorless to white, with a blue, silver, or white adularescent effect.
Moonstone body colors vary widely. They can be green, yellow to brown, or gray to nearly black.
Along with adularescence, some moonstones show chatoyancy, also called the cat’s-eye effect.
A few show four-rayed stars in an effect called asterism.
Moonstone Quality Factors
The body colors of Moonstone vary widely, and they can occur in semitransparent or opaque varieties.
Colorless Moonstone is rare, but it does occur, although it does not sparkle like Diamond or Quartz and is never completely transparent.
Along with adularescence, some Moonstones exhibit chatoyancy also called the cat’s eye effect.
Some specimens show asterism or four-rayed stars within their structure.
The most highly valued Moonstones are those that display a near-colorless background, are semitransparent, and have no visible inclusions.
The other quality factor that is most highly prized is a vivid blue adularescence or blue sheen.
Inclusions are common in Moonstone and can add to a specimen’s attractiveness for some buyers.
However, from a quality and value point of view, a good moonstone should be almost transparent and as free of inclusions as possible, as they can interfere with the gem’s adularescence.
The sheen should be centered on the top of the cabochon and easily seen from a wide range of viewing angles.
The most common cutting style for Moonstone is the cabochon.
This shape displays the wonderful variations in color and brilliance of the Moonstone to its best advantage.
Cabochons are usually oval, and the dimensions should be uniform, and the profile slightly raised. Very flat cabochons have little value.
It is possible to find faceted Moonstones and this type of cut displays the brilliance of the stone while helping to hide any inclusions.
Carat Weight:
Moonstone comes in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and carat weights.
Fine-quality specimens are becoming increasingly rarer in larger sizes, and consequently, their value is increasing.
Moonstone and Chakras

White crystal energy is present in all varieties of Moonstones and is aligned with the Crown chakra.
Moonstone also carries energies on other color rays and is useful for balancing and cleansing the whole chakra system.
It has a vibration that is attuned to the Sacral chakra, particularly in women.
The Crown chakra governs our intellect and our connection to the expanded universe outside our physical bodies.
The Crown chakra controls how we think, and how we respond to outside stimuli. It is also the seat of our spirituality and spiritual beliefs.
We form our connection with cosmic and Divine wisdom through the Crown chakra and when it is in balance, we feel that we are in exactly the right place, and we see things exactly as they are.
We accept situations and cope with setbacks easily, acknowledging that it is all part of the bigger pattern of existence.
Using Moonstone to balance and energize the Crown chakra allows us to draw down the white light of healing from the Universe and integrate it into our physical bodies.
When Moonstone is placed on the Sacral chakra, it brings new insights and creativity.
It cleanses the chakra of negative or blocked energy and allows our imagination free rein.
Moonstone can be used on the Brow or Third Eye chakra to activate latent psychic abilities and gifts.
It stimulates and activates the Third Eye so that we can clearly see our path ahead.
It also encourages trust in oneself and one’s own judgment.
Moonstone Healing Properties

Physical Healing Properties
Moonstone is especially helpful for the female reproductive system, although it also benefits the reproductive organs of all individuals, no matter what their sexuality.
It can help to alleviate menstrual disorders such as PMS and menstrual cramps, menopausal symptoms, and low fertility levels.
It is also a very supportive stone for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Moonstone is believed to aid in the assimilation of nutrients and to benefit the digestive tract.
It can also help in detoxification and stimulates the body’s natural organs of elimination, namely the liver, kidneys, skin, and lungs.
Moonstone is linked to the pineal gland and helps to balance the hormonal system, stabilize fluid levels, and attune the biorhythmic clock.
It helps to establish healthy circadian rhythms for shift workers and alleviates insomnia when placed under the pillow at night.
Moonstone can be used to calm overactive children and to treat ADHD in both children and adults.
It is also useful for treating cases of shock.
Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

Psychologically, Moonstone is useful for calming overreaction.
It soothes tempers and mitigates anger, allowing us to see a situation as it truly is, and not to fly into a rage at what we perceive to be the case.
It is a balancing stone that helps us to recognize and deal with emotional triggers in a more balanced and rational way.
Moonstone has a strong vibration of passive, receptive energy that helps to counteract an excess of Yang or male energy within the etheric body.
It is the perfect antidote for an overly aggressive female or a particularly macho man.
Emotionally, Moonstone addresses emotional instability and stress.
When placed on the Solar Plexus, Moonstone draws out old patterns of thinking and feeling so that you can understand what is driving them and take steps to remove or alter them if you wish to.
Moonstone offers deep emotional healing and helps to alleviate physical manifestations of stress in the upper digestive tract, such as heartburn and indigestion.
Moonstone has a way of opening the mind to sudden even irrational impulses, but also to serendipity and synchronicity.
Care is needed at times to ensure that the impulse is not a response to wishful thinking.
Metaphysical Properties
Moonstone reminds us of the waxing and waning of the moon.
It teaches us to accept the highs and lows of life and to relax and go with the natural flow and rhythm.
Everything changes, both for good and for ill, and Moonstone brings the courage and strength we need to accept that these changes are inevitable and form part of the natural cycle of life.
Moonstone helps to bring unconscious wisdom and intuition into the conscious mind and promotes intuition.
It encourages lucid dreaming, especially at the time of the full moon, and has been used traditionally to enhance psychic abilities and help to activate clairvoyance.
Spiritual Healing Properties
Moonstone has a high spiritual vibration that is especially protective for females.
It embodies the essence of the Divine Feminine, which can be accessed by everyone regardless of gender or sexuality.
The spiritual aspects of the Divine Feminine include enhanced intuition and creativity.
Goddess energy is abundant in the vibration of Moonstone and if you wish to connect with the female deities this crystal will help to raise your vibration to the required level.
How to Use Moonstone

As Jewelry
The best way to bring the power of Moonstone into your life is by wearing it as jewelry.
Having the stone next to your skin, whether in the form of a ring, earrings, or necklace, allows for maximum absorption of its healing vibration.
Moonstone works with your unique energetic frequency to deliver healing vibrations where they are most needed.
In-Home and Office
Moonstone is rich in Feminine energy and can be used to enhance the vibration of your space, at home or at work, with its soothing, nurturing, and very loving vibration.
It is a stone for harmony and cooperation and placing it in the shared spaces of your home, such as the dining table, can help to ease tension and bring down the heat of disagreement or discord.
Place this stone under your pillow to encourage both lucid dreaming and calm restful sleep.
If you are engaged in any creative projects, try placing Moonstone near to your working space for added inspiration and to get the creative juices flowing.
Best Crystal Combinations with Moonstone
The combination of obsidian and Moonstone increase protection from negativity and to guard against psychic attacks.
Pairing Opal with Moonstone provides amplified energies for spiritual and psychic work and development.
The mystical, magical qualities of both stones complement each other beautifully, stimulating psychic gifts, enhancing creativity, and promoting connections with other realms.
Final Thoughts & Conclusion
Moonstone has a gentle, Feminine vibration that soothes the nerves, calms the emotions, and brings love, comfort, and support.
It also promotes the qualities of intuition and empathy and is valuable for calming tensions within groups and bringing harmony into relationships.
Moonstone is a beautiful gem to wear and to have in your home or workspace.
Its affinity with the Moon and the cycles of life make it a popular choice for those connected with nature in their work or leisure time.
It teaches patience and acceptance and reminds us that beginnings and endings are just part of the essential pattern of life.
And that we do not need to worry or strain when things seem to be going wrong.
It teaches that everything will change, and the ending will eventually become the beginning.