What is Citrine?
Citrine is a variety of Quartz. It measures 7 on the Mohs scale for hardness and is transparent with a vitreous luster. It occurs in shades of yellow ranging from pale primrose to a deep, almost orange, hue. It has many uses and is a supreme healer stone.
It occurs in geodes and clusters as well as single raw crystals. Amethyst and Smoky Quartz are often heat-treated to change them to Citrine.
Citrine is probably best known for its associations with abundance, specifically of wealth, and, for this reason, is often referred to as the “merchant’s stone”.
The Origin: Where Is Citrine Found?
Citrine is found in Brazil, Britain, Russia, France, Madagascar, and the United States.
The History & Lore of Citrine

For thousands of years, humans have loved the cheerful, sunshine hues of Citrine.
It has symbolized the warmth of the sun, and the vitality the sun imparts to all life all over the world, in a wide variety of cultures and traditions.
Citrine has always been a stone of positivity and protection.
The ancient Romans believed that it could protect the wearer against the evil thoughts of others, and it has been revered as a stone for financial abundance for centuries.
Citrine was often carried in the ancient world of Greeks and Romans as a protective talisman against the venom of snakes and the crystal soon acquired a reputation for repelling negativity in all forms.
Legends said that male bearers of the stone would become more handsome and intelligent and that women who wore Citrine would be able to conceive more easily.
Citrine was said to hold no negativity and that it would absorb and then immediately transmute any negative vibrations when used as a protective force.
This quality, which is shared by Amethyst, another member of the Quartz group, means that even now the stone does not need cleansing or charging but will absorb the negative vibrations of other crystals when placed nearby and return them to their original state.
Some of the finest examples of Citrine as an adornment were found in the 17th century.
Daggers and other “dress” weapons were decorated with these yellow stones, possibly because of their reputation as a protector or guardian stone, as well as for their natural beauty.
True Citrine was difficult to find, and pieces made with it were valuable and rare.
In the 1930s a group of experienced gem cutters moved from Germany to South Africa, where the stone was to be found in comparative abundance.
Large quantities of the stone were then shipped back to Europe by these experts where it was fashioned into jewelry for those who could afford it.
Shortly after this, the Art Deco movement saw designers adorning Hollywood stars in pieces containing Citrine.
This doubtless added to the stone’s reputation as a crystal of wealth, abundance, prosperity, and success.
Even now, natural Citrine is a rare find and most modern examples are likely to be Amethyst or Smoky Quartz that has been heat-treated in a laboratory.
The deeper colors of natural Citrine, which range from a deep yellow to orange or even orange-brown are extremely valuable.
The color range of the crystal is reminiscent of the rising and setting sun which has led to its popularity as a stone for manifesting abundance in all things, not only wealth but also health, love, joy, and happiness.
Description of Citrine
Citrine is a form of Quartz and is transparent, often cut into traditional gemstone shapes, and comes in shades of yellow, which can vary from very pale to deep orange, almost red.
You can find it in the form of tumbled stones or beads, geodes and clusters, and as gems mounted on jewelry.
As mentioned above, much of the Citrine available today is not naturally occurring but is formed by heating either Amethyst or Smoky Quartz.
After it has been heat-treated in a laboratory the crystal takes on its yellow hue.
How to Identify Citrine

If your Citrine is, in fact, a heat-treated Amethyst or Smoky Quartz you are still holding a genuine crystal, so does it really matter?
The answer depends on what you intend for the crystal.
Amethyst has a high spiritual vibration and is more widely used in spiritual manifestation work.
Citrine’s vibration is very much rooted into our physical reality and is used to enhance our lives on the physical plane.
There are ways to ascertain whether your Citrine is fake or genuine.
Some Citrine is in fact simply colored glass, and the best way to tell the difference is to simply hold them in your hands.
The glass will get warmer more quickly than the genuine Citrine as it absorbs the heat from your body.
When looking at raw specimens a true Citrine will still be quite transparent, whereas a heat-treated stone will be more opaque.
You may see traces of purple or grey residues from the Amethyst or Smoky Quartz running through the rock, and you may see imperfections such as tiny bubbles if the piece you are looking at is glass.
Genuine Citrine has a fairly uniform color from base to tip and usually has smooth, horizontal fault lines.
Types of Citrine
As mentioned above, some Citrines are actually Amethyst or Smoky Quartz that has been heat treated.
There are types of Citrine differentiated only by their color.
Their metaphysical properties remain the same, whether the stone is deep orange or pale lemon yellow in color.
Yellow Citrine:
Probably the most well known and popular example of Citrine.
Madeira Citrine:
This variety is particularly attractive due to the depth of color, which ranges from golden orange to a deep terracotta.
Golden Citrine:
As the name suggests, this variety of Citrine has a sunny, golden yellow hue.
Fire Citrine:
This is heat-treated Quartz, from the Linha Estefania mine in Brazil, which is highly desirable due to its deep, blood orange hue.
Palmeiria Citrine:
Citrine with a bright orange colour.
Citrine Birthstone Meaning & History

Citrine is the natural birthstone for the month of November. It is associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio (Oct 24 – Nov 22).
Scorpios are typically quite discreet and even secretive at times.
They have an air of mystery around them which is attractive to some but off-putting for others.
Scorpios are also bold, fearless, and passionate.
At times, Scorpios can be obsessive, like other fixed signs, and may need to be persuaded to take a wider view of the situation, and indeed of life in general.
A gift of Citrine to a Scorpio can definitely help to overcome their tunnel vision and narrow thinking, as the crystal’s expansive, joyful energy promotes a more flexible mental approach.
Citrine is a good choice for anyone who has difficulty “letting go” and Scorpios especially need to be aware that holding onto secrets can be harmful, not only to themselves but also to those around them.
Scorpios can hold onto grudges and negative thought patterns, leading to their energy field becoming clogged with negative energy.
Citrine is an excellent cleanser and therefore makes a wonderful gift for a Scorpio who may have become mired in obsessing about the way they have been treated.
Citrine is also the stone of financial wealth and abundance.
Many Scorpios make good financial consultants and their natural propensity for creative thinking enables some Scorpios to acquire material wealth far beyond the ordinary.
However, the reverse side of the coin shows that many Scorpios are unable to regulate their spending and they often end up in serious debt.
Consider giving the gift of Citrine to Scorpios of your acquaintance, to remind them that Citrine is a stone of abundance, not only in the areas of success and material wealth but also in love, friendships, and happiness.
Citrine Treatment
How to Clean and Care for Citrine

As a member of the Quartz family, Citrine is robust enough to take a fair amount of wear and tear.
Although it will be scratched or chipped by any stone that measures more than 7 on the Mohs scale.
To clean any surface dust or debris from your Citrine, you can hold it under running water for a few seconds and allow it to dry in the air.
To charge Citrine with your intentions or desires, hold it in your hand and send your thoughts telepathically to the crystal.
Remember to keep your language positive and to frame your request in the present tense, as if you already have everything you are asking for.
There is no need to cleanse your Citrine of negative vibrations as the stone will do this for itself.
Buyers Guide: Tips & Advice
See the section above on the difference between genuine and fake Citrine.
Natural Citrine is still quite rare, so expect to pay a little more for the genuine article.
Citrine Quality Factors
Colour is the deciding factor when it comes to pricing Citrine.
The paler specimens will not be as expensive as the darker colored ones, with yellows shading into deep orange fetching the highest prices.
Genuine Citrine is clear, and even raw specimens should be transparent to a certain extent.
You may decide that you want a particular cut to your gem, especially if it is to be used in a piece of jewelry.
But Citrine is a versatile stone and can be found as beads or smooth, rounded stones in pendants.
The cut of the stone should not impact much upon the price.
Carat Weight:
Carat weight is not a deciding factor in setting the price for Citrine. The depth of color is the deciding factor.
Citrine Healing Properties

All forms of Quartz are excellent healing stones and Citrine is no exception.
Physical Healing Properties
Citrine imparts physical vigor and energy and is especially helpful to those who are sensitive to environmental and other outside influences.
This stone is said to hold the energy of the Sun within its structure and is therefore warming and invigorating.
Citrine helps to alleviate the symptoms of CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and physical exhaustion.
It stimulates the digestive system and can help with appetite loss, or, conversely, with compulsive overeating.
It also supports the spleen, which is responsible for the production of antibodies and red blood cells, and the pancreas, helping to metabolize sugars.
Citrine is an eliminator and is used to treat infections of the kidneys, bladder, and lower intestines.
It is said to help eye problems, increase blood circulation, activate the thymus and balance the thyroid.
Citrine is believed to alleviate constipation and reduce the occurrence of cellulite.
It can be made into a gem elixir and used to alleviate symptoms of menopause and ease menstrual pain.
Mental & Emotional Healing Properties
The joyful, sunny yellow color of Citrine makes it a very positive healing stone for all kinds of mental and emotional disturbances.
It brings balance to the emotional body and ensures that low or depressed moods do not last long.
To gain the most benefit from the healing properties of Citrine regarding mental and emotional health, it is best to wear a piece of this crystal somewhere on your person all the time.
Another extremely beneficial way to access the healing qualities of Citrine is to meditate with it on a particular problem.
Do this by holding some Citrine in your hand and relaxing into a comfortable physical position.
If your mind is racing, which is very common in cases of anxiety, concentrate on allowing the vibrations of the Citrine stone to enter your physical body and relax your muscles.
Start with the area around your head and neck and breathe in deeply, visualizing the healing rays of the sun warming this area and easing any tension that is sitting there.
Continue to breathe in a regular and comfortable way as you take the golden rays of the sun, through the crystal, and into your chest to your heart.
Here, the energy stream splits into two and each golden ray passes down through your arms to your hands, which may soon become very warm.
Allow this to happen and feel the warmth melting the tension away from your chest, arms, wrists, and fingers.
Next, take the crystal and place it on your lower body, either in your lap or directly above your pubic bone, below your navel.
Continue to breathe deeply and comfortably.
Visualize the golden rays of energy entering your Sacral Chakra and healing any imbalances in your reproductive organs.
Allow your abdominal muscles to soften and relax. Let the feelings of warmth run all around your hips and down into your thighs, your knees, your calves, and your ankles.
Stay in this relaxed position until you feel your thoughts beginning to slow. Very gently and slowly, allow yourself to consider just ONE of your worries or anxieties.
Acknowledge its presence, and then take the deepest breath you can manage.
Hold the breath for a count of three and then expel it forcibly.
As the breath leaves your body it takes the thoughts or worries with it.
Repeat the process, either with the same thought or with a different concern for as long as you are able.
Citrine is a positive, uplifting crystal that will help to eliminate anxieties and worries when you combine it with the technique given above.
The key is to relax the body first.
Your emotions and mental anxieties can then follow a more relaxed and productive path and you may find that some of them, at least, are really not worth holding onto.
Mentally, Citrine enhances concentration and revitalizes the mind.
It is excellent for helping to overcome fears, depression, anxiety, and phobias.
This crystal awakens the higher mind and allows you to access your inner wisdom, even though it may have lain dormant, or even been wilfully suppressed for a length of time.
It has a way of allowing you to see the truth of a situation and then providing the tools necessary to address any difficulties the situation contains.
Citrine promotes inner calm, and when we are calm, we can see the best way forward.
Emotionally, Citrine promotes joy and a renewed zest for life.
It releases fears and negative traits at their root and allows you to overcome your challenges in a cheerful way.
Citrine is one of the best crystals for stopping anger in its tracks, transmuting the energy into a positive, light vibration that may even have you laughing at the thing you thought you were angry about!
Metaphysical Properties
Citrine has many metaphysical uses and properties.
It is one of the most popular choices for inclusion in grids to attract more money and success.
It is also a powerful cleanser and regenerator.
It is one of the crystals that never needs cleansing and is extremely protective of the environment because of its ability to absorb, transmute, dissipate and ground negative energy.
Citrine is an aura protector stone that sets up an “early warning” system within the subtle body so that the wearer can take immediate action to protect themselves from potential psychic attacks or even physical threats and dangers.
This crystal is aligned with both the Sacral and the Solar Plexus chakras.
It is a stone of imagination and creativity, with the ability to transmute negative thoughts into positivity and optimism.
The Solar Plexus is the seat of personal power, and when it is blocked or out of balance we can feel vulnerable to the machinations or control of others.
Citrine can bring some much needed stability and strength to this chakra, promoting self-worth and self-confidence.
Citrine is also an excellent stone for group work and relationships.
Its cheerful energy of abundance smooths over minor confrontations and allows harmony to prevail.
Citrine works well as a professional support stone for all those who work in the media, in professions connected with money, such as casinos and banking, and also in fitness and sports.
Citrine is often included in collections of crystals for love.
This is because of its ability to draw in abundance in all spheres of life, and its ability to guard against, and even get rid of, negativity
Spiritual Properties
Citrine carries the power of the Sun and allows the user to connect with the world of nature more easily.
It also works to open the Crown chakra when used in spiritual meditation, forming a bridge between the world of the physical and material, and the world of spirit.
It stimulates curiosity and natural intuition.
This stone also awakens creativity and imagination and can be used in the interpretation of dreams.
It sustains the process of transforming thoughts and wishes into action, with tangible results.
How to Use Citrine

As Jewellery
Wear Citrine jewelry on fingers or throat in contact with the skin in order to harness its supportive vibrations.
Wearing a Citrine point down brings the golden ray of spirit into the physical realm.
In Home and Office
Place Citrine in the wealth corner of your home or office, or in your cashbox or register.
Carrying a small piece of Citrine in your purse or wallet will ensure that you always have enough money to meet your needs.
Final Thoughts & Conclusion
Citrine is an essential crystal for inclusion in any crystal collection, whether for gridding, healing, as a talisman to accumulate wealth, or simply just because it looks so beautiful that it lifts the spirits whenever the eye chances upon it.
Negative vibes stand no chance when sunny Citrine is nearby. It absorbs, transmutes, disperses, and grounds negativity of all kinds.
It is also a cleanser and regenerator stone, making it an excellent choice for those involved in caring for the natural environment.
Pieces of raw Citrine can be of use to gardeners and horticulturists as they can be placed in the ground for a few hours next to ailing plants, shrubs, and trees.
The crystal itself will come to no harm, and it’s nourishing, cleansing energy will help to keep unwanted pests and diseases at bay.
Citrine is a crystal for the here and now of everyday human life.
We all need some support from time to time in our lives, and sometimes the more etheric vibration of other stones is just too subtle for us to tune into.
Especially when our thoughts and emotions are firmly rooted in the troubles and challenges we are facing right now.
Think of Citrine as a crystal for the present moment. Its reputation as a bringer of wealth and prosperity is not for nothing.
When you are struggling financially try placing a small piece of Citrine in your purse or wallet.
Take note, over the next few days, of how your spending may change.
Citrine is wise when it comes to money and will act as an inhibitor on those who are prolific in their spending, setting boundaries and allowing good sense to prevail when it comes to purchasing non-essentials.
It will also speed up the attraction of extra resources and funds to you if you allow it too.
This means taking notice when new opportunities to increase your income are presented to you and then taking appropriate action.
Citrine has a way of setting up early warning systems. It clears the subtle body, or aura, of negativity and disperses harmful vibrations.
The way is then clear for you to receive the messages you need to hear in order to keep yourself safe and happy.
Citrine is a stone of joy and vitality.
When you feel drained of physical energy, or when your motivation is low, place Citrine on your Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras and relax for a few minutes.
Breathe in deeply, hold your breath for a count of 16 and then expel the air in your lungs.
Doing this three or four times is usually enough to clear any blockages in these chakras so that you can see your way more clearly.
Citrine promotes the use of imagination and creativity, and it may be that your lack of energy is the result of a mindset that has stagnated and is willing to accept that “this is just how things are”.
Citrine encourages you to see that there is always another way to approach any situation.
Citrine is also a stone for relationships, friends, and family.
Place Citrine in the area that is most used for gatherings, whether at work or at home and allow its vibration to calm and clear the atmosphere.
Citrine brings a sense of harmony to situations involving groups of people and promotes harmonious cooperation between individuals where there was once the potential for conflict.